Our Story

24 April, 2022

A Nearly Missed Connection

Like any modern relationship, Logan and Maric met online. After a close call nearly missing one another, they connected over the months with long conversations during the odd hours that timezones allowed.

18 Aug, 2022

Travel to South Africa

After getting a passport, 46 hours of flying, renting a car, and driving from Johannesburg on the wrong side of the road, Logan finally makes it to Clarens exhausted but excited.

25 Aug, 2022

Life in Clarens

Maric greets Logan as he pulls into the drive and they meet for the first time. She feeds him entirely too much food for the entire trip and they have an incredible time together in Clarens, which will forever remain their home away from home.

26 December, 2022

Our Trip to Dublin

Maric packs up and leaves the African summer for a cold Irish winter. Logan joins not long after and they meet for the second time, exploring the city together.

3 January, 2023

Our Tower in Howth

After Dublin, the two leave the busy city in favor of a secluded tower in Howth. The stay in the tower will never be forgotten, nor will the simple times collecting seashells on the beach or eating seafood in town.

5 August, 2023

Back to South Africa

Logan flies back to South Africa! This time headed for Bloemfontein, visiting Maric, Carmi and Jace at home. Maric picks him up from the airport and has the most amazing home-cooked curry waiting for him when he walks through the door.

15 August, 2023

Family Life

Logan didn’t take much time off work for this trip, so he continued work as usual at odd hours. During off time everyone went to see Giraffes or went to the trampoline park to jump and eat pizza. This felt like life as usual with a wonderful family.

5 October 2023

Maric Graduates!

After so much hard work, Maric graduates as a Nurse. Long hours of school, late nights of study, and intense shifts at the hospital all led to this moment.

15 March 2024

Bloemfontein and Clarens

Logan takes another trip to SA. In the middle of it we took a weekend trip to Clarens where we first met, but this time we got to go with almost the whole family! But best of all…

26 March 2024

We got married!!!!

On the 26th of March we made a promise. This moment divides our timeline in two, with the days of dating forever behind us and the days of being an unbreakable family starting now.

16 May 2024

USCIS received our visa application

It may not seem like a major moment to some, but an incredible amount of effort went into paperwork and bureaucracy that most relationships will never need to endure. This is the less glamorous side of love, but perhaps more crucial. We will always put in the work for this family.